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NW Region
Call For Support For USRs In No Recognition Companies

Attending her first ever CWU conference, Diane Strode, a Liverpool Clerical Branch member working in Virgin Media, highlighted concerns that Union Safety Reps who work in an environment where the Union does not yet have a recognition agreement require specialist support and guidance. Such employers are often ignorant of the USR role and the legal rights they have.

Moving propostion 103 in the name of the North West Regional Health & Safety Forum at Sunday's first day of the CWU's Annual General Conference in Bournemouth, Diane said:

"The CWU, through the Health & Safety Department and the huge network of committed Safety Reps has built up a reputation of strong, well trained Safety Reps in our industry – and in doing so have gained recognition through numerous TUC Safety Rep of the Year Awards and outside organisations.

But where I work, for Adecco in Virgin Media, we are recruiting and fighting for recognition and finding it difficult to understand our rights in relation to Safety Representation, protection for Safety Reps and our rights in relation to the SRSC Regs (Safety Reps and Safety Committee Regulations – if you are asked).

Conference, the prop is quite clear about what we are asking for....... we need specific guidance and training on safety related issues and what rights and protection we do or don’t have as safety reps with employers with whom we do not yet have recognition.

Conference, I move"

The proposition was unanimously carried.

Source: Lee Davies, CWU Liverpool Disgtrict Clerical Branch

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